It does not always occur to a person walking on the street, that every individual passing by carries a powerful processor,the brain, mostly using it to navigate in the surrounding space while browsing on the mobile phone (In the field of quantum that phone is in a state of “Iphone 6S” or “Samsung Galax S6” other states are less probable). As I sat in the library today, again I noticed many people around me sitting and using their brains to the least requirement in a place where people are supposed to be learning, thinking, creating.
If you show a person a banana and ask for its color, the chances are that the answer would be “Yellow” but also with less chance is to obtain an answer of a different color starting by “Green” and then less banana common colors and finally the answers of least chance are of non color answers like “Round”. After receiving a hundred answers from a hundred person you could be more assured that the right answer is “Yellow” by statistical analysis.
Now imagine you have a more complex mathematical problem , design problem , or even Estethic Form (lets say a haute couture dress or a car design). If we could develop an algorithm which can disect any of those problems into a thousand smaller problem and send each to a large number of Mobile App user. Each user will use his brain (processor) to solve the small simple problem with whatever hint of subjectivity there is. The mobile app would collect all answers to all fragments of the problem and then through statistical approach of quantum generate the answer of the major problem, we would be creating a quantum computer based on human brain.
In concept:
Suppose the problem P = A + B + C + D where A = 1 + 2 , B = 4 – 2 and so on.
A group of users will recieve problem A and then provide their answers, the collecting server would determin the answer 3 to be the right answer (as it is the most occuring).
Now imagine P to be a car design , A is the front light shape, B is the Rims shape, C is the side mirror.
P = A+ B + C …
The users can be presented with several options for A, B and C… and the most occurring selections would be gathered into the shape P.
Another potential of such computing concept is to include the human subjectivity, human perception factor into the equation and then that would result with a more human oriented solution.